At one point this week, we had seven mushy bananas with black spots all over them sitting on the counter waiting to be dealt with. I don’t know how they got into that state in the first place, but one thing’s for sure, we just had way too many bananas at once. Thankfully, brown bananas can be transformed into something tastier than a compost pile - it can be banana bread! This banana bread is delicious, and what’s even better is that it doesn’t require a mixer! Easy recipe with easy cleanup? Count me in. The only change I made to this recipe was that I browned the butter, because I’ve been obsessed with brown butter. It’s a simple step that adds a little more depth and caramelized nuttiness to anything requiring melted butter. I also subbed rum for bourbon since that’s what we had, but both are excellent options. Moral of the story: when life gives you brown bananas, make boozy brown butter banana bread!

Jacked-Up Banana Bread

From Smitten Kitchen

Makes 1 4x8 loaf

3 to 4 ripe bananas, smashed

1/3 cup melted salted butter (can be browned beforehand)

¾ to 1 cup light brown sugar

1 egg, beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon bourbon or rum

1 teaspoon baking soda

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg

Pinch of ground cloves

1 ½ cups flour

Preheat the oven to 350°F. With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, vanilla and bourbon, then the spices. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix. Pour mixture into a buttered 4×8 inch loaf pan. Bake for 50 minutes to one hour, or until a tester comes out clean. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve.