Sometimes the best ideas come from sleepless nights. The other night was one of those.

I have been taking pictures for enjoyment since 2007, and since then, photography has been one of the best ways for me to capture what has happened in my life and make even the most mundane of event memorable. It has been my creative outlet and expression, and I am constantly inspired by the incredible individuals on the web who have created their own styles and evolved over the years. 

While I avidly follow blogs and admire their creations, I realized that I wanted a place to call my own. One where I could share what I love and maybe even inspire others in the future, like the individuals who inspire me. I also wanted a place where I could record my baking (and hopefully cooking) adventures, noting what worked and what I would change, for future reference, and so that I could clear out the many bookmarks that have started to collect under my “Food” category.

So I began this site as a way to do just that, be a way to showcase my love of food and photography in one. My hope is that more people will be inspired to try and bake or cook because it is something that is completely do-able for anyone. So thanks for stopping by, and I hope you’ll make some cookies on your way!

Alison Choi