
Since the pre-made pie crust package used for the Apple Tart came with two crusts, I decided to use the second one to make a savory galette. I see these all the time at my favorite coffee shop at school (shout out to JVG), and they’re always delicious and seem to be very versatile in terms of what can be put in them. After a brief google session, I came across this guide on Food52 with some basics on how to make galettes without a recipe. I took stock of what I had in my fridge, and decided on a roasted potato, bacon, and kale galette.


This recipe is separated into parts - roasting the potatoes, cooking the kale, cooking the bacon, and assembling the galette. I’ve included the recipe from the Apple Tart for dough from scratch (especially since I’ve noticed these pre-packaged crusts break easily and are dry when working with them). I didn’t include any salt in my recipe because I thought the cheese, bacon, and crust would make it salty enough, and it was justttt right.

Potato Bacon Kale Galette

With help from Food52


1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, just softened, cut in ½-inch pieces

3 ½ tablespoons chilled water


3 Yukon Gold potatoes

1-2 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon chopped rosemary


6-8 strips of bacon

oil for cooking


½ lb kale

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon minced garlic

¼ cup water

Mozzarella Cheese (what I had, can be subbed - Gruyere or Asiago would be amazing)

1 egg, whisked

To make dough: Mix flour, sugar, and salt in a large bowl; add 2 tablespoons of the butter. Blend in a mixer until dough resembles coarse cornmeal. Add remaining butter; mix until biggest pieces look like large peas. Dribble in water, stir, then dribble in more, until dough just holds together. Toss with hands, letting it fall through fingers, until it’s ropy with some dry patches. If dry patches predominate, add another tablespoon water. Keep tossing until you can roll dough into a ball. Flatten into a 4-inch-thick disk; refrigerate. After at least 30 minutes, remove; let soften so it’s malleable but still cold. Smooth cracks at edges. On a lightly floured surface, roll into a 14-inch circle about 1/8 inch thick. Dust excess flour from both sides with a dry pastry brush. Heat oven to 375°F.

To make potatoes: Cut potatoes into 1/8 inch slices before drizzling potatoes with olive oil, and toss with chopped rosemary to combine. Place slices in one layer on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil (it’s okay if some potatoes overlap). Bake at 375°F until soft, around 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly.

To make bacon: Use oil in a pan to cook bacon until done. Place on paper towels to soak up grease and oil from cooking and let cool. Rip into bite-sized chunks.

To make kale: Put olive oil and minced garlic on a pan at medium heat. Cook garlic until it becomes fragrant and starts to turn brown, then add kale into the pan, mixing often. Add water when kale begins to become limp and cook until completely wilted.

To assemble: Place dough in a lightly greased 9-inch round tart pan, or simply on a parchment-lined baking sheet if you wish to go free-form, or galette-style with it. Leaving a couple inches to fold over for crust, place a layer of potatoes in the center of the dough, sprinkle with cheese, place bacon, and place kale. Add another layer of potatoes, cheese, bacon, and kale, then top with cheese and fill in any gaps with desired ingredient. Fold over the edges of the dough to resemble a hexagon (if your dough behaves). Brush the edges with an egg wash, then place in the oven and bake at 375°F for 35 minutes, or until the crust is golden and crisp. Remove from the oven and serve warm.