
It’s been a while, but I’m back! New year, new me? It felt a little weird to blog after my last post, and I avoided personal confrontation by generally staying away from my site and letting myself be busy. But a year (already!) and some closure later (not to mention 4 people telling me that I should update in the same week), I’m ready to start sharing again. Fear not, I have still been baking, and more than baking, cooking, as I figure out how to survive as an adult. 


Today, I’m sharing a recipe that came about in a way that many others are created - by putting together random elements that I had in my fridge. This combination seemed like a good idea, so I tested it out and was happy with it! Very simple and straightforward, and a quick fix for mornings when you want to treat yourself but have little time.


Pesto Toast

Makes 1 toast

1 slice of multigrain bread, toasted

2 tablespoons pesto

1 handful of alfafa sprouts

1 over easy fried egg

1 tablespoon finely chopped green onion

Salt and Pepper

To make: Spread pesto on toast, then place alfafa sprouts on top of pesto, pulling apart clumps for even coverage. Place fried egg on top of sprouts, and garnish with green onion, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.